LG U+ is going to deliver their bills via video instead of text.
Users of the Korean service provider find that traditional text-based invoices, paper mail, e-mail and mobile app notifications were annoying to check and easy to forget.
In response, LG U+ along with the IT service provider LG CNS are planning to regularly send text messages containing a URL that links video bills to customers, this month. You can view the video by simply entering six digits in front of the resident registration number after clicking.
2-minute-long videos will include benefits of plan, details of combined products, and estimated charges for next month’s bills.
“We have decided to create such a service because there is a high risk of loss of mail and it is inconvenient for customers to perform and search for services themselves.”
Representative for LG U+

The video bills identified key questions customers frequently ask and include ready to go responses. For customers over the age of 60, the videos can have a 80% slower playback time.
Although previous methods of delivering billing information will still be in place, LG U+ expects the new service will reduce the daily average of 1,000 calls.
“We designed a space where personal information will be placed during production of videos and fill in gaps by using customer information sent from customer database system. We will enhance convenience and satisfaction of our customers by upgrading our video bill service in the future,”
Jang Sang-kyu, executive director of LG U+ customer service group